


Being a p.i.g. is far pleasant than being a h.u.m.a.n. 13月病または0月病による目眩によって持続を失ってしまうと、 366段で1周りの螺旋階段を上ることも下ることもできなくなる。 高所恐怖症者は自己の恐怖心を欺くために、高所で「下を見」る。 驚異…

Remodeling the weblog theme more and more by my own preference


sorry again for the designer of this weblog theme, sorry from my mind! I know the CSS you wrote is very cool, but I like much more monotonous Styles to be seen so some properties and values in your CSS are made my selfish coating and the r…

No Paranoia, No Mania


One of the most famous old sayings shows "The meaning of life is to die" that indicates who wants to die by oneself doesn't realize the "true" meaning of life Now I have no eagerness to do sth appriciated socially, no will to kill myself b…